Rabu, 01 Agustus 2007

about marriage...

There are three kind of married people in the world. First whose marriages are arranged, I've never understood that, but I'm sure they know what they're doing. Then there are those who fall in love and marry their soul mates. These few, I believe, are the most fortunate people in the world. And lastly, there are those couples that marry for their parents, for money or play it safe and marry a friend. These are the most unfortunate ones in the world... and they don't even know it. Until one day, riding the fast train of life they run into their soul mates, and are faced with the hardest question of all. What do you do when you meet the love of your life and you're married to someone else? what do you do? What do you do?

Dara Elvira

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

hai, aku temennya Ruri. mau berbagi komentar jg ni.
Sepanjang apa jodohku ma cowokku, aku ga tau. tapi selama ini, alhamdulillah qt merasa cocok. kami bukanlah manusia yang sempurna. tapi semoga kebersamaan yg selama ini diusahakan, dapat menyempurnakan diri qt. tidak menutup kemungkinan rasa itu berkurang, bahkan hilang, manusiawi banget. tapi bagaimana usaha qt utk mempertahankan sekuat tenaga sebuah hubungan, itu yg berharga, kalo memang udah ga bisa, terima aja. mungkin itulah yg tbaik utk qt(menurut yg memiliki hati2 qt)

idung monyet mengatakan...

iya... semua tergantung hati... dan jodoh juga ;))